My Ford Broke Down! High Mileage 2012 5.0 F-150! What issues have I been having??

My Ford Broke Down! High Mileage 2012 5.0 F-150! What issues have I been having??

My 2012, 12th gen (2009-2014), Ford F-150 with the 5.0 V8 is almost at 200,000 miles and finally had its first issue!! Since filming this video I have put about 500 miles on the truck and have not had this issue or any other with this truck! If you know what's wrong with it then let me know!! Thanks! Sponsors: Vvash Auto Care Use code "Blomeoutdoors" to save 15%! Jam Handles Use code "Blomeoutdoors" to save 10%! Custom Offsets Brand Ambassador! Use "Blome Outdoors" when checking out!! Hope you enjoyed the video! Stayed tuned for more videos and make sure to follow Blome Outdoors on social media Thanks for watching another video of Blome Outdoors! Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe! We'll catch ya next time! Check me out on social media! Instagram: Blome_Outdoors Email: [email protected]