Getting Up at 4AM for 30 Days... My BRAHMA MUHURTA Experience!

Getting Up at 4AM for 30 Days... My BRAHMA MUHURTA Experience!

WOW LifeScience Apple Cider Vinegar: Amazon - Flipkart - Nykaa - WOW.HEALTH - Use my coupon code ANITABOKEPALLI20 for 20% off on WOW.HEALTH / on your purchase! ------------------------------------------------------- Waking up at 4AM was the best decision I ever took. I cannot believe the transformation this challenge brought in myself, my productivity and my energy levels. Of course it was difficult to make this change in my daily routine, but I figured out some tricks that helped me through it and I’ve shared them with you in this video. I also explored Brahma Muhurath in this 30 day challenge - watch the video till the end to see my experience! #anitabokepalli #4amclub Time stamps: 0:00 - Why early mornings? 0:56 - How I motivated myself to get up early 1:51 - WOW Life Science Apple Cider Vinegar 2:56 - Here’s how it went! 3:56 - Nikhil’s entry :D 5:50 - Why was this challenge tough? 7:54 - Dealing with sleepy afternoons 9:04 - Brahma Muhurath experience ———————————————————— Videos you will like: I lost 6 kgs in 30 days with THIS DIET + Yoga. Here’s what I ate:    • I lost 6 kgs in 30 days with THIS DIE...   I did 108 Surya Namaskar for 30 Days. Here’s what happened:    • I did 108 Surya Namaskar for 30 Days....   Join the Surya Namaskar challenge group on Facebook here:   / thesuryanamaskarchallenge   ————————————————————— Want to learn the Sudarshan Kriya? Leave your information here: Subscribe to my twice-in-a-month newsletter here: SUBSCRIBE and hit the BELL ICON for brand new content on Self Discovery and Joyful Living every month. ————————————————————— You can also find me on: Instagram:   / anitabokepalli   Facebook:   / anitabokepalli1   Twitter:   / anitabokepalli   You can write to me at: [email protected] For collaborations: [email protected] Take care, stay safe and be happy! Love.