FUMC Wewoka Nov 28 2021

FUMC Wewoka Nov 28 2021

Come Home for Christmas Worship Series: Time to Go Home. Scripture Jeremiah 33:14-16 and Luke 21:25-36 KJV Welcome new and returning guests. We are glad you chose to worship with us today. Thank you for joining us for worship. We hope you find your time with us a blessing. You are invited to join us for in-person worship each Sunday at 10:50 am and Sunday School at 9:45am, located 3rd & Okfuskee, Wewoka, OK. We appreciate your clicking the “like” button, so we know you worshiped with us. We invite you to click the “subscribe” button on YouTube so you will receive notification of each week’s worship service posting. For more ministries information of FUMC Wewoka, go to Facebook - Wewoka First United Methodist Church and web page - https://www.methodistwewoka.org Broadcast License CCLI 3227729 and Streaming License CVLI-CSPL 192986 The songs in the service today were selections from the United Methodist Hymnal, Book of United Methodist Worship, by permission for congregational singing led by the congregational pianist.