ASMR: Amazing Chinese Back Neck Shoulder Foot Massage with Cupping and Moxibustion

ASMR: Amazing Chinese Back Neck Shoulder Foot Massage with Cupping and Moxibustion

The locations in the video are personally visited and experienced. No brand partnerships or sponsored content were involved. • Subtitles and audio tracks in multiple languages are available. Choose the Italian audio track to listen to relaxing music. • Choose the Interlingua audio track to listen to the sounds of rain and thunder. Hi guys, today I tried a relaxing and amazing chinese foot reflexology massage with cupping and moxibustion! This treatment was very professional, it included a back neck shoulder massage that was intense and deep. After that the massage therapist started the foot treatment. She did a pedicure, foot scraping, she added a foot mask, then the oil massage with chinese cupping and moxibustion! If you like asmr massage videos, asmr no talking, asmr sleep, asmr sleep relaxation, relaxing sounds for sleep, falling asleep during a massage asmr, reflexology foot massage asmr, foot massage for pain relief, chinese massage, chinese foot massage, foot cupping massage asmr, chinese cupping asmr and asmr in general subscribe! Enjoy! #asmr #asmrmassage #massage #massageasmr #asmrsleep #asmmassagesleep #asmrnotalking #footmassageasmr #reflexologyfootmassageasmr #footcupping