GAME OF CHANGE – Daily Devotional
Daily Bread Devotional: Devotional Topic: "GAME OF CHANGE" Verse of the Day: Luke 6:27 Devotional Message: (Luke 6:27) "Love your enemies." Observation Life is like a battlefield of emotions. Some days, we are surrounded by love, kindness, and encouragement. Other days, we encounter anger, hatred, and betrayal. People hurt us, sometimes intentionally, sometimes unknowingly. When that happens, our first instinct is to protect ourselves—either by fighting back, cutting ties, or holding onto resentment. Luke 6:27 is not a suggestion; it is a command. Loving our enemies doesn’t mean we pretend they never hurt us. It doesn’t mean we allow them to continue their harmful behavior. It means we choose not to let hatred control our hearts. We refuse to let bitterness take root. We choose peace over resentment. We place our trust in God rather than in our own desire for justice. The greatest example of this is Jesus Himself. As He hung on the cross, mocked, beaten, and abandoned, He didn’t curse those who crucified Him. Instead, He prayed, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34). If Jesus could love His enemies at His most painful moment, surely, with His strength, we can do the same. Application Loving our enemies is one of the hardest things to do, but it is also one of the most powerful ways we can show Christ’s love. Here are five practical steps we can take to live out this command: 1. Choose Love Over Hate Love is a choice, not just a feeling. When someone offends us, we can either hold onto the anger or surrender it to God. Love doesn’t mean we accept wrongdoing, but it does mean we refuse to let it consume us. It means we release our desire for revenge and choose to act with grace instead. Think about someone who has hurt you. What if, instead of ignoring them in anger, you greeted them with kindness? Love doesn’t mean becoming best friends with our enemies, but it does mean we treat them with the dignity and respect that God calls us to. 2. Respond with Goodness If someone gossips about you, choose to speak words of kindness instead of spreading rumors about them. If someone refuses to help you in your time of need, be willing to help them when they need it. If someone wrongs you, don’t look for ways to make them suffer—look for ways to show them the love of Christ. This doesn’t mean we allow people to take advantage of us. It means we refuse to let their actions turn us into someone bitter and vengeful. When we return hate with love, we break the cycle of negativity and make room for God to work in their hearts. 3. Pray for Those Who Hurt You One of the hardest but most powerful things we can do is pray for our enemies. Not just prayers like, “Lord, make them suffer,” but real prayers—prayers for their hearts, their transformation, and for God to bless them. When we pray for our enemies, something incredible happens. We begin to see them through God’s eyes. We start to understand that hurt people hurt others. Sometimes, the ones who hurt us the most are the ones who need God’s love the most. If you struggle to forgive someone, start praying for them daily. Ask God to heal your heart and to work in theirs. Over time, you’ll find that your anger fades, and God’s peace takes its place. 4. Trust God’s Justice Loving our enemies does not mean ignoring injustice. There are times when we need to stand up for what is right, set boundaries, or seek help if we are being mistreated. But ultimately, we must trust that God is the final judge. Romans 12:19 reminds us: "Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: 'It is mine to avenge; I will repay,' says the Lord." 5. Be an Example of Christ’s Love When we choose love over hate, kindness over revenge, and prayer over bitterness, people notice. Our actions can be a powerful testimony to those around us. Final Thoughts Loving our enemies is not easy. It goes against our human nature. But when we live by Jesus’ command, we step into the game of change—a life where love wins over hate, where peace triumphs over anger, and where we become more like Christ. Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your unconditional love, even when we don’t deserve it. Help us to love our enemies, to do good to those who hurt us, and to pray for those who wrong us. Teach us to let go of bitterness and trust in Your justice. Fill our hearts with Your peace, and use us to be an example of Your love in a broken world. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Devotional Playlist: • DAILY DEVOTIONALS March 14, 2025 Devotion | Daily Devotional | Devotional Today | Daily Bread Devotional | Our Daily Bread | Our Daily Bread Devotional | MamClaireTV LET'S BE FRIENDS: FOR MORE CHRISTIAN VIDEOS: 🔰Facebook Reels and Godly Posts | / mamclairetv #DailyDevotional #DevotionalMessage