Liturgy of Hours: Invitatory and Lauds, 16 Dec 2024

Liturgy of Hours: Invitatory and Lauds, 16 Dec 2024

#liturgy #LiturgyOfHours #DivineOffice #breviary #invitatory #lauds #psalm #scripture #prayer Liturgy of Hours, also known as the Divine Office, is the daily prayer of the Church. Marking the hours of each day with praying the Psalms. This tradition is not reserved for priests and religious but can also be prayed by the lay faithful. The laity is highly encouraged to "recite the divine office, either with priests, or among themselves, or even individually (Sancrosanctum Concilium, 100)." Invitatory, dawn or 3AM Office of Readings, anytime of day Lauds, 6AM Terce, 9AM Sext, 12NN None, 3PM Vespers, 6PM Compline, 9PM ** Please SUBSCRIBE ALL so that you get notified as soon as the prayer is published **