![[4K] Seoul Walking Tour-Dongmyo Flea Market-Best Traditional Shopping for Souvenirs-Antique-Folk](https://krtube.net/image/4paovk7J0Pg.webp)
[4K] Seoul Walking Tour-Dongmyo Flea Market-Best Traditional Shopping for Souvenirs-Antique-Folk
4K Walking tour in Seoul, Korea @walkthemoment Let`s explore another traditional market in Seoul. I was also so excited. The Seoul Folk Flea Market offers everyday goods, souvenirs, and folk items that shed light on the past lifestyles of Koreans. There are several antique galleries that are my favourites as you can feel the history of Korea and buy beautiful antique souvenirs. I recommend the one where I captured the video from inside the gallery. The owner is so friendly and the gallery is full of different valuable statues. If you like it and need the exact address, let me know in the comments. 0:00:00 Dongdaemun Station (Jung-ro) 0:09:22 Dongmyo Station 0:10:10 Dongmyo Flea Market 0:15:31 Antique Gallery 0:44:19 Dongmyo (Walled compound built in 1601, with a wooden icon of worshipped 3rd-century Chinese general Guan Yu.) 0:54:20 Cheonggyecheon-ro 0:58:03 Harley Davidson 1:01:05 Yulgok-ro Dongmyo Flea Market Dongmyo Flea Market started life in the late 1980s. Every day an array of street stalls open up along the stone walls of Dongmyo Park. The main items bought and sold here are antiques of every type, including items such as wallets, electronics, old books, film posters etc. Recently vintage clothing and shoes have become the central area of interest. Prices are typically around 1,000 won so you can enjoy browsing and shopping without worrying about the cost. Read more: https://english.visitkorea.or.kr/enu/... Address: 11-7, Majang-ro 5-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul (서울특별시 중구 마장로5길 11-7) 동묘벼룩시장 동묘벼룩시장은 1980년대 후반부터 시작됐다. 매일 동묘공원의 돌담을 따라 다양한 노점상들이 열립니다. 이곳에서 사고파는 주요 품목은 지갑, 전자제품, 고서, 영화 포스터 등 모든 종류의 골동품입니다. 최근에는 빈티지 의류와 신발이 주요 관심사가 되었습니다. 가격은 보통 1,000원 전후로 비용 걱정 없이 둘러보고 쇼핑을 즐길 수 있습니다. Marché aux puces de Dongmyo Le marché aux puces de Dongmyo a vu le jour à la fin des années 1980. Chaque jour, un éventail d'étals de rue s'ouvrent le long des murs de pierre du parc Dongmyo. Les principaux articles achetés et vendus ici sont des antiquités de tous types, y compris des articles tels que des portefeuilles, des appareils électroniques, des livres anciens, des affiches de films, etc. Récemment, les vêtements et les chaussures vintage sont devenus le centre d'intérêt. Les prix sont généralement d'environ 1 000 wons, vous pouvez donc naviguer et faire du shopping sans vous soucier du coût. Dongmyo-Flohmarkt Der Dongmyo-Flohmarkt wurde Ende der 1980er Jahre ins Leben gerufen. Jeden Tag öffnet eine Reihe von Straßenständen entlang der Steinmauern des Dongmyo-Parks. Hier werden vor allem Antiquitäten aller Art gekauft und verkauft, darunter Artikel wie Brieftaschen, Elektronik, alte Bücher, Filmplakate usw. In letzter Zeit sind Vintage-Kleidung und Schuhe zum zentralen Interessensgebiet geworden. Die Preise liegen in der Regel bei etwa 1.000 Won, sodass Sie das Stöbern und Einkaufen genießen können, ohne sich Gedanken über die Kosten machen zu müssen. 东庙跳蚤市场 Dongmyo 跳蚤市场开始于 1980 年代后期。每天,东庙公园的石墙上都会开设一排排摊位。这里买卖的主要物品是各种古董,包括钱包、电子产品、旧书、电影海报等物品。最近复古服装和鞋子成为人们感兴趣的中心区域。价格通常在 1,000 韩元左右,因此您可以尽情浏览和购物而无需担心费用。 Thank you for watching the video. If you enjoyed this journey, please like it and subscribe to the channel to see the next interesting tour. Please Subscribe for NEW videos: / @walkthemoment Instagram: https://instagram.com/walkthemoment?i... Walking tour, travel, Seoul walk, Seoul snow, virtual walking tour video, real walking tour, street live stream, street camera, Korea tour, Korea walk tour, ASMR, walk travel, city tour, market, shopping, traditional market #koreatravel #koreatrip