6th – 7th Nov 2021: 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ How generous am I to God?
Today’s first reading (1 Kings 17:10-16) and gospel (Mark 12: 41-44) tells us that God is pleased with those who are generous with their gifts. Jesus in the gospel, rates the gift of the poor widow above that of the others who only donated their leftover “spare change”, whereas she was willing to sacrifice everything she had to live on for God and His works. If we truly have love for God, we will not count the cost of giving our time, knowledge and money to do His work. Let us today reflect on this and ask ourselves how generous are we with God? Are we giving God our best or only our leftovers? -- CONNECT WITH US -- • Official website ~ http://www.smcipoh.com • Facebook page ~ / churchofstmichaelipoh