10 min. Easy dinner recipe | stir fried vegetables with herb and garlic rice | healthy dinner recipe
10 min. easy Weight loss dinner recipe | stir fried vegetables with herb and garlic rice | healthy dinner recipe @Yogitascookingandvlog serving for 2 people ingredients stir fried vegetables: oil garlic onion carrot capcicum beans paneer brocoli (you can add peas, cauliflower, cabbage, tofu) salt black pepper soya sauce sesame seeds herb and garlic rice: garlic boiled rice mixed herbs chilli flakes coriander #weightlossrecipe #weightlossdiet #weightloss #herbrice #garlicrice #herbandgarlicrice #stirfriedvegetable #stirfryrecipe #stirfriedvegetables #stirfried #sauted #sautedvegetable #weightlossdinnerrecipes #healthydinnersforweightloss #healthydinner #healthydinnerrecipe #weightlossmekyakhae #weightloss #weightlossfood #yogitascookingandvlog #dinnerideas #eaaydinnerideas weight loss recipe, weight loss food, stir fried vegetables, herb and garlic rice, stir fried vegetables, stir fry recipe, weight loss dinner recipe, weight loss me kya khaye, wajan Kam karte samay kya khaye, healthy and tasty recipe, healthy dinner, yogita's cooking and vlog, herb rice, garlic rice, mixed herbs rice, dinner ideas, easy dinner