The Deadly Sins: Pride - Mar 9 - Midweek Lent Service
The primal sin behind all other sins is placing our highest value upon ourselves - the sin of pride. But the gospel liberates us to accept God's making us his highest value in his son, Jesus, which frees us to value others more than ourselves. The Deadly Sins: Pride — Midweek Lent Service, March 9, 2022: https://saintjamesglencarbon.org/2022... Order of service: https://saintjamesglencarbon.org/wp-c... Psalm 8 1 Corinthians 1:26–31 Hymns: What Wondrous Love Is This: Text is from A General Selection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs, 1811; tune is from Southern Harmony, 1835; text and tune are public domain. Magnificat: Text: Luke 1:46 (ESV); public domain. Tune: David Schack (b. 1947) © 2006 Lutheran Service Book, used with permission, LSB Hymn License no. 110001220. Crown Him with Many Crowns: Text by Matthew Bridges (sts. 1-3, 5) and Godfrey Thring (sts. 4); tune by George J. Elvey; public domain.