Freight Train of Fear (Hard Mode) || No commentary - Zombie Army Trilogy

Freight Train of Fear (Hard Mode) || No commentary - Zombie Army Trilogy

Episode 3: Chapter 2 - Freight Train of Fear In the dying flames of World War II, a despairing Hitler unleashes one final, unholy gamble – a legion of undead super soldiers that threatens to overwhelm the whole of Europe. You are Karl Fairburne – the sniper who shaped world history. You are one of the last living souls in Germany. You must team up or die. American, German, Russian – previous military allegiances no longer matter. Now it's just the living versus the dead. Only a Sniper Elite with nerves of steel and a steady aim stands a chance against Hitler’s Nazi Zombie Army! Subscribe for more videos:    / @thenoobgamer2448   Follow me on Facebook: Timestamp 00:00 - Preview 00:32 - Gameplay 18:03 - Bonus Scene Thank you very much everyone for watching my videos and don't forget to subscribe my youtube channel for more videos. #walkthrough #gameplay #zombiearmy4deadwarпрохождение