Healthy Trader Joe's Grocery Haul With Weight Watcher's Points and Calories Included

Healthy Trader Joe's Grocery Haul With Weight Watcher's Points and Calories Included

Come see what's $200 buys you at Trader Joe's this year. I restocked on my staples and pickup a bunch of new items to try. See what's new and healthy at Trader Joe's. Watch my what I eat in a day video to see quick and easy dinner ideas using these items. Follow me on WW: bpatterson0427 Follow me on IG:   / a_planned_life_with_b   MERACH S26 Exercise Bike Get $110 discount with code BRANDIS26 On MERACH website: Note: The code is only applicable on the website. Get it for under $200 on Amazon: Dowan: 10% off Claim Code: XBAHE7GK Y YHY Slow Feeder Bowl: Dowan on amazon: FitVille: Use this code to get 30% off: BW30 (BW35 for 35%, new users only) Use discount codes below to save more. Brandi15 for 15% off on all purchases Brandi20 for 20% off on orders $79+