3 Hours Of Mind Blowing Pre Historic Facts To Fall Asleep To: The Extinction

3 Hours Of Mind Blowing Pre Historic Facts To Fall Asleep To: The Extinction

3 Hours Of Mind Blowing Pre Historic Facts To Fall Asleep To: The Extinction From Earth’s molten beginnings to life’s first daring step onto land, evolution sparked the rise of complex ecosystems. Ancient oceans filled with strange creatures, and oxygen flooded the atmosphere, fueling an explosion of life. But then—catastrophe. The Permian extinction left Earth nearly lifeless, a barren wasteland. Yet, from the ashes, life clawed back in the Triassic, resilient and unstoppable. Early reptiles emerged, adapting to a changing world, evolving, transforming. And as ecosystems recovered, something even greater was on the horizon—a new reign, a world destined to be ruled by the mightiest creatures ever to walk the Earth. Welcome to DinoVerse and please subscribe to my channel now. Subscribe to support my videos! #dinosaurs #dinoverse #prehistoric