Everything We Know About JURASSIC WORLD 4 So Far + Addressing the Rumors

Everything We Know About JURASSIC WORLD 4 So Far + Addressing the Rumors

From the rumors of filming in Hawaii to the title potentially (but not) being 'Jurassic City', we cover EVERYTHING we know so far about the NEXT Jurassic World movie in this video! Don't miss it! Gareth Edwards is Directing JW4:    • GARETH EDWARDS to Direct New Jurassic...   David Leitch's Exit:    • Conflict Behind the Scenes! Universal...   Our Director Shortlist:    • Who Else Could Direct A Jurassic Park...   #JurassicPark #JurassicWorld #JurassicCity #GarethEdwards #JurassicWorld4 Use JURASSICOUTPOST10 at VICE-PRESS to receive 10% discount on all prints in the Jurassic Park collection: https://vice-press.com/collections/ju... Use JURASSICOUTPOST at Zavvi to receive 20% discount on all Jurassic Park and Jurassic World products! FESTIVAL COLLECTION: http://tidd.ly/f696ef9c PRIMAL COLLECTION: https://tidd.ly/2Bb2yYK The Jurassic Outpost STORE is NOW OPEN! https://www.jurassicoutpost.com/store Intro and background music: Caleb Burnett https://www.calebburnettmusic.com Edit: Jack Script: Jack, Caleb All clips from the Jurassic Park/World franchise are copyright to Universal Pictures and used within Fair Use Podcast: https://www.jurassicoutpost.com/podcast Facebook:   / jurassicoutpost   Twitter:   / jurassicoutpost   Instagram:   / jurassic_outpost   Vault: https://www.jurassicvault.com Wiki: https://www.jurassicwiki.com