Light Language: Remove Ethereal Parasites

Light Language: Remove Ethereal Parasites

This light language transmission is intended to energetically remove ethereal parasites from our energy fields and personal auras. Ethereal parasites can attach themselves to our energy in many ways, both consciously and unconsciously. These ethereal parasites include astral spiders, astral bugs, energetic leeches, energetic vampires from other dimensions, nature spirits, elementals, fairies, and otherworldly entities that require a host to survive in this plane. This energetic transmission is intended to lovingly take your power back on a fifth-dimensional resonance and eliminate all parasites from your astral and etheric bodies, multidimensionally. Your personal energy stores will become full again after all of these entities stop draining your life force. New epiphanies, creative inspiration, and divine motivation may occur as your energy body is cleansed and the bond with your true self, intuition, becomes stronger with all of your energy returned. This transmission also cleanses the “you” in all dimensions of etheric parasites, including when you explore the dreamworld, study your akashic records, and travel the astral plane to name a few. …………….. For more information and to download the MP3 of this audio for free, please visit If you find benefit in this energy healing, please consider contributing on Paypal (www.PayPal.Me/lnlawakening) and Patreon (  / lnlawakening  . Thank you for all of your Love and Support!