2024-06-30 7:00 pm Celebration of the Holy Mass for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
Good evening everyone and welcome to the celebration of the Holy Mass for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Today our readings remind us to reflect upon the quality of our faith. Beginning with our Gospel reading we have the story of Jairus who begs Jesus to come and lay his hands upon his daughterr. We also have the woman with the hemorrhage who believes that by just touching the hem of Jesus' garment she will be healed. Both have faith to believe in the power of Jesus. In the First Reading God reminds us that he never made death and does not delight in the death of anyone. We were made for immortality and the devil will do anything to undermine our lives. We need to put our complete trust in the Lord that when we go through any trials he is there with us. Do not let the devil undermine your faith in the Lord. In the Second Reading our faith takes us to a different place where we are reminded that we are to look after the needs of others; not just our own. Let us fill our hearts with words from the Psalm: "Sing praises to the Lord, O you his faithfulones, and give thanks to his holy name". Praise God from whom all blessings flow!