NOV 6 Beyond the Walls Late Edition 2022
This Sunday we celebrate communion with friends from around the world. Our speaker, Brian Shantz, of Ayr, Ontario, speaks on the theme “Have Courage:” How can we have courage to continue to proclaim Christ in mission in the 21st century? Our choir premieres CCS 531 “You Satisfy Our Hungry Heart” and Mike presents new organ music played at the Auditorium. Beyond the Walls – Have Courage. We hope to see you there on Sunday, October 30, at 12:00 PM or 6:00 PM EST. ORDER OF WORSHIP Prelude: La Consolation from 2 Images (Op. 44 No. 2) by Hermann Berens Greetings: John Hamer – Toronto Centre Place Call to Worship: 1st John 4:16,18-19: ShirleyAnn Wilson — Conway, Missouri Opening Hymn: CCS 16 — O God, Our Help, in Ages Past Invocation: Sharon Hamm — Joshua Tree, California Peace Lesson: Paul Bethel — Huntington Beach, California Global Welcome: Leandro Palacios – Toronto Centre Place Global Welcome Music: Eternal Ruler of the Ceaseless Round (Grey Hymnal 276) Premiere Hymn CCS 531 — You Satisfy Our Hungry Heart Lectionary: Joshua 1:1-3, 5, 9 : Sarah Richey — Denver, Colorado Sermon: Brian Shantz — Ayr, Ontario Blessing the Bread: Mary Lou Piepergerdes — Newton, Kansas Blessing the Bread Music: One Day When Fell the Spirit's Whisper (Grey Hymnal 508) Blessing the Wine: Dennis Piepergerdes — Newton, Kansas Blessing the Wine Music: Son of God, Eternal Savior (Grey Hymnal 436) Closing Hymn: CCS 94 — The God of Abraham Praise Sending Forth: John Hamer Postlude: Fugue in B-Flat Major by Nicola Porpora, recorded on the Auditorium organ, Independence, Missouri All music performed by the Beyond the Walls Choir and Michael Karpowicz. COPYRIGHT INFORMATION: ONE LICENSE LICENSING PERMISSION: REPRINTED / PODCAST / STREAMED WITH PERMISSION UNDER ONE LICENSE A-739874. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Beyond the Walls is an online worship service offering live ministry from locations around the world. Our global congregation meets every Sunday at 12:00 pm EST / 11:00 am CST / 10:00 am MST / 9:00 am PST. All are welcome at this inclusive church service. Beyond the Walls is brought to you by Toronto Congregation of Community of Christ. Support our mission at https://www.centreplace.ca/donate Beyond the Walls est un service de culte en ligne offrant un ministère en direct à partir de lieux situés dans le monde entier. Notre congrégation mondiale se réunit chaque dimanche à 12h00 EST / 11h00 CST / 10h00 MST / 9h00 PST. Tous sont les bienvenus à ce service religieux inclusif. Beyond the Walls vous est présenté par Communauté du Christ Toronto. #cofchrist #centreplace @CofChrist