Company Law MCQ I Introduction to Companies MCQ I PART 4 I B.Com I BBA I M.COM I CA I CS I CMA
#INDIANCOMPANYACT2013 #manishclasses #manishsir #INDIANCOMPANYACT2013 #manishclasses #manishsir #calcutta_university #university #university @manishclasseskolkata6987 @MathurSirClasses @CommerceWallahPW @CommerceBaba @CommercebabaCARawUncut Company Law is very important for B.Com / B.Com Entrance Exam / M.com Entrance Exam / Other Commerce Based Competitive Exams. In this video we have discussed in detail MCQs related to Introduction to Companies B.com(H/P)| Unit 1, CH-1 INTRODUCTION | Company law | Semester 2ND | Sol Cu | Meaning of a company | company law sol cu| B.com(H/P)| Unit 1, CH-1 INTRODUCTION | Company law | Semester 2ND | Sol Cu | Meaning of a company | company law sol cu| B.com(H/P)| Unit 1, CH-1 INTRODUCTION | Company law | Semester 2ND | Sol Cu | Meaning of a company | company law sol cu| Hope you like the video :) PLAYLIST: PART 1 LECTURE LINK: • Company Law MCQ I... PART 2 LECTURE LINK: • Company Law MCQ I... PART 3: LECTURE LINK: • Company Law MCQ I Introduction to Com... Unit I: Introduction Meaning and characteristics of a company; Lifting of corporate veil; Administration of Company Law including National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT), National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT), Special Courts; Types of companies including private and public company, government company, foreign company, one person company, small company, associate company, dormant company and producer company; Association not for profit; Illegal association; Formation of company, promoters, their legal position, pre incorporation contract and Online registration of a company. Connect with Us @Email: [email protected] @Official Website: https://www.manishclasses.com @Official Facebook : / manishclasse. . @Official Instagram : / manishclass. . @Official Address : Manish Classes, Dankuni Ground Floor, Sristy Apartment, South Subhaspally, Dankuni, Hooghly 712311 https://www.google.com/maps/place/MAN... #youtube #ManishClasses #companylaw If you Like the video please Do Subscribe My channel Keep supporting me So I can continue to provide you with free content each day !! xplains explains xplaining Xplain xplain xplain xplains explains xplaining Xplain xplain xplain xplains explains xplainingxplainn xplain xplain xplains explains xplaining Xplain xplain xplainxplain xplain xplains explains xplaining Xplain xplain xplainXplain, explains, xplaining, Xplain, xplain xplain, xplains, explains, xplaining Xplain xplain xplain xplains explains xplaining Xplain xplain xplain xplains explains xplaining Xplain xplain xplain xplains explains xplaining Xplain xplain xplain xplains explains xplaining Xplain xplain xplain,vivek Channel, #companylawmcq #mcqoncompanylaw #companylawmcqinenglish #companylawmcqbcom3rdsemester #mcqoncompanylawinenglishbcom3rdsem #introductionofcompanyrelatedmcq #basicconceptofcompanyrelatedmcq #companylaw #companiesact2013 #bcom3rdsemester #bcom2ndyear #inenglish #ddu #ddugu #dbrau #mgkvp #rmlau #25mcq #part1 #multiplechoicequestions #objectivetypequestion #companylawmcqquestions #manishclasses #manishsir #manishclasseskolkata