How Would KEP1ER sing "The Feels" (TWICE) | Line Distribution (Vertical Video)

How Would KEP1ER sing "The Feels" (TWICE) | Line Distribution (Vertical Video)

How Would KEP1ER sing "The Feels" (TWICE) | Line Distribution (Vertical Video) SONG : THE FEELS ARTIST : TWICE #kep1er #twice #thefeels #linedistribution #howwouldsing #howwould #twicethefeels #kpop #dolphinkpop kep1er how would kep1er sing kep1er line distribution line distribution kep1er how would kep1er sing how would sing the feels how would kep1er sing the feels how would kep1er sing twice how would sing twice how would sing the feels twice how would sing twice the feels how would kep1er sing twice kep1er how would sing kep1er we fresh line distribution we fresh line distribution we fresh kep1er line distribution how would sing kep1er line distribution kpop twice line distribution the feels line distribution twice the feels line distribution the feels twice line distribution