Sunday Morning Devotions with the England Family12/26/21 Last Live Recording at WSMT  in Sparta,TN.

Sunday Morning Devotions with the England Family12/26/21 Last Live Recording at WSMT in Sparta,TN.

last Live recording from the studios of WSMT radio the Mullet 105.5 fm and 1050am in Sparta,TN. Is still ayed on radio every Sunday but now prerecorded at home . The England Family had been on Sparta Radio WSMT for 62 years when this was recorded . They are still on there. #sparta #freewillbaptist #spartatn #kjvonly #tennessee #truth #yert #spartatennessee #wsmt #wsmt105.5fm #wsmt1050am #bluegrassusa #bluegrass #bluegrassgospel #lesterflatt