December 25, 2024- 9:00 am Christmas Day Mass

December 25, 2024- 9:00 am Christmas Day Mass

St. Pius X Catholic Community Tucson, Arizona #spx_tucson "The St. Pius X Christmas Welcome Video" Produced with Cyberlink PowerDirector Code: S3Q9YJZYJC2Q9EUH Thank you for joining us with the blessing of this livestream. With your help and ongoing financial support, we hope to bring you more inspiring shows, concerts and live streams. Your help is needed and appreciated. Our Ministry is bringing these blessings to friends and family in other states and all over the world. Our elderly and individuals with disabilities that would otherwise miss out are now with us every week. Through our spirit filled ASL interpreter, we lovingly open our Sunday Live Stream to believers in the deaf community. So much good is happening, including “Those that were lost, now found”, coming back to the Church There are no limitations on the number of viewing Homes, phones, and countless locations we can be and are now serving. CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW TO SUPPORT THE MINISTRY OF ST. PIUS X IN TUCSON ARIZONA. ONLINE DONATIONS ARE AVAILABLE AT: CCLI Live Stream License #20446841 The One Live Stream License #A-706015 VIDEO SONG -