Fourth Sunday in Lent @ St. Thomas à Becket (HE II)
Bulletin: https://bit.ly/STaB-4Lent2025 Join us for a celebration of Holy Eucharist II with homily at St. Thomas à Becket Episcopal Church in Morgantown, WV. "Praise Ye Him, Sun and Moon." R. Hebble. "When Morning Gilds the Skies." Text: Robert Seymour Bridges. Tune: Joseph Barnby. The Hymnal 1982, Hymn #427. Glory to God: Gloria in Excelsis. S 278. The Hymnal 1982. Setting: William Matthias. "'O Wondrous Type! O Vision Fair." Text: John Mason Neale. Music: William Knapp, James Turle, Sydney Hugo Nicholson. The Hymnal 1982, Hymn #137. "Laudate Jerusalem." WLP 829. Holy, holy, holy, Lord: Sanctus S 128. The Hymnal 1982. Setting: William Matthias. "Fraction Anthem: Jesus, Lamb of God. Agnus Dei." The Hymnal 1982, S 166. Setting: Gerald Near. "Oh Light of Light, Love Given Birth." Text: Laurence Housman. Tune by: Cary Ratcliff. The Hymnal 1982, Hymn #133. "All My Hope on God is Founded." Text by: Robert Seymour Bridges, Joachim Neander. Tune by: Herbert Howells. The Hymnal 1982, Hymn #665." "Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones." Text by: John Athelstan Laurie Riley. Tune by: Ralph Vaughan Williams. The Hymnal 1982, Hymn #618. "Arise, Shine For Thy Light Has Come." R. Hebble. Reprinted / Podcast / Streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-734741. All rights reserved.