Unwanted 72 Tablet & I-pill Difference / Levonorgestrel 100mg tablet uses Dose Side Effects Prevent

Unwanted 72 Tablet & I-pill Difference / Levonorgestrel 100mg tablet uses Dose Side Effects Prevent

Unwanted 72 Tablet & I-pill Difference / Levonorgestrel 100mg tablet uses Dose Side Effects Prevent YouTube Channel , 👉 New Research According informatio , 👉 Ayurveda Gyan information , 👉 healthy information , 👉 MEDICINE Review , 👉 Healthy productive Review, 👉 Disease General information Disease Causes , Symptoms , Treatment , prevention and Side Effect all Health Related information. ‎@pharmacyhealthcare3217  ‎@HealthProduct-dw6od  ‎@CRMahajan  ‎@crmahajan6797     / @healthproduct-dw6od   Unwanted 72 is an Emergency Contraceptive Tablet used after unprotected sexual intercourse or suspected birth control failure. It contains Progestogen and Levonorgestrel that inhibit ovulation and thus prevent fertilization. It is advisable to take unwanted 72 days tablet within 72 hours of unprotected sex to prevent the risk of pregnancy #ipill #unwanted72 #IpillUsesSideeffects #Unwanted72Howtotake #unwantedpregnancy Ipill is an emergency contraceptive that contains Levonorgestrol 1.5mg used when other contraceptive methods have failed. But Ipill is not effective against sexually transmitted diseases (STD) including syphilis and HIV/AIDS Side Effects-I-Pill may cause- 1. menstrual irregularities. 2. irregular or unexpected vaginal bleeding or discharge 3. exhaustion, dizziness, tenderness in breasts or nausea 4. skin rashes How to use I-Pill? I-Pill has to be consumed orally within 72 hours of unprotected sexual intercourse. unwanted72 #emergencycontraceptive #contraceptive Tablet #unwanted72benefits #emergencycontraceptiveusage #contraceptivemedicine #emergencycontraceptivedetails #unwanted72information #emergencycontraceptive Tablet #unwanted72video #womenhealth #reproductivehealth #birthcontrol #contraception #sexualhealth #contraceptivemethods #emergencycontraceptivemedicine #unwanted72benefitsandsideeffects #emergencycontraceptivefacts Q1) Can I-Pill be used in breastfeeding mothers? Ans: I-Pill is safe in Lactating and breastfeeding mothers and the breast milk is unlikely to be affected. In the video Dr. Khushboo, has explained about emergency contraceptive tablet, how to use, side effects, success and causes of failure and frequently asked questions. Emergency Contraceptive Pill | I-Pill | Unwanted-72 | Side Effects | Failure Rate | How to use | Emergency contraceptive pills are now a days used very commonly. Many females use it as their primary method of contraception. In this video I have explained about how and when to use emergency contraceptive pills, what are its side effects, how does it work and what is its failure rate. #DrAmrita Tiwari #DrAmrita TiwariGynecologist #DrAmrita Tiwari Gynaecologist Unwanted 72 | Unwanted 72 side effects | Unwanted 72 kab lena chahiye Unwated 72 tablet contains levonorgetrel as a medicine. Unwanted 72 is a hormonal tablet used to prevent unwanted pregnancy that's why it is also known as emergency contraceptive pill. This video contains information about Unwanted 72| Unwanted 72 side effects | Unwanted 72 kab lena chahiye including 1. What is levonorgestrel? 2. Unwanted 72 tablet uses 3. Unwanted 72 tablet side effects 4. Frequently asked question 5. Unwanted 72 kab lena chahiye And many more in hindi #learnaboutmedicine #unwanted #unwanted72 #ipill #medicine If you have any question please ask in comment box OR Email at: [email protected] DISCLAIMER: The information provided on this channel and its videos is for general purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice. Pregnancy Rokne Ka Tareeka Vidoe. i-pill kaise use karne hai, unwanted 72 lene ke Kitne din Baad Period aata hai, how to use, tablet, price, कैसे लेना चाहिए, lene ke baad pregnant ho sakte hai, लेने का सही तरीका क्या है? इनके side effects क्या हैं? i-pill को कब नहीं लेना चाहिए? इस video में बताया है कि unwanted 72 को लेने के क्या नुक़सान हैं? इनका आपके periods पे क्या असर होता है? आपकी pregnancy पर क्या असर होता है? और भी बहुत सारे सवालों के जवाब इस विडीओ में देखें। How to Use Unwanted 72... To know in details please watch the video. #unwanted72 #emergencycontraceptive #contraceptive Tablet #unwanted72benefits #emergencycontraceptiveusage #contraceptivemedicine #emergencycontraceptivedetails #unwanted72information