Ci and SI Short Tricks in Hindi | Compoundinterest Problems/tricks in hindiSSC CGLKVS NVS LDC
Hey Hey Hey! Today we are coming with open challenge for anyone to solve SI Cl questions faster than our trick.Yes today we have covered simple interest andcompound interest tricks in our video and we willteach you compound interest tricks in hindi, whichwill help you to build your confidence level. As soon as you learn compound interest shorttricks, you will be able to solve questions in just 5sec. we have created a compound interestformula, if you learn it, you will be able to do anysum of simple interest and compound interest injust 5 sec. You need to leave your traditional ways to solvesimple interest and compound interest becausewe have developed si and ci short tricks in hindi,now learn ci si math trick and enjoy the benefits aswell as self confidence. Sl and CI short tricks in hindi may be a headachebandnhaftar dear friends please like this video