Overkill's The Walking Dead (PC) 2023 - Full Game 4K60 Co-op Walkthrough - No Commentary
✔ 2023 Steam Starter Edition ✔ No Commentary, recorded with OBS on Microsoft Windows 11 ✔ Full game: All main missions, a bunch of bonus missions, all cutscenes and the credits ✔ Bonus art work, as well as unused cutscenes found in the game directory after the credits roll Played mostly in co-op with my twinbrother Milan (Daelyria). Special thanks to Milan & 草雉. If you enjoyed watching this video, please leave a like and subscribe! I would very much appreciate it! We both bought a Steam key roughly 2 years ago in a sale on some website, obviously long after Skybound pulled the plug and OTWD's delisting. The game was really difficult at times, especially solo or co-op, making it clear that 4 players are in fact necessary. The servers are apparently still online for those who own the game on Steam (we came across at least 6 different players over the course of the game). Every mission can be played with the Starter Edition, but S02E01 "No Sanctuary" can only be hosted by those who own the Standard or Deluxe Edition. We found a Chinese guy who helped us with that! Overkill's The Walking Dead (PC) 4K CO-OP playlist: • Overkill's The Walking Dead (PC) 4K C... Other Walking Dead games on my channel The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct (PC) 4K playlist: • The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct (... The Walking Dead: The Telltale Definitive Series (PC) 4K playlist: • The Walking Dead: The Telltale Defini... The Walking Dead: Dead Reckoning (Android) playlist: • The Walking Dead: Dead Reckoning (And... The Walking Dead: Destinies (PC) 4K playlist: • The Walking Dead: Destinies (PC) 4K Story: OVERKILL’s The Walking Dead is a four player co-op action FPS where you fight the dead as well as the living. Set in The Walking Dead Universe, you and your group try to survive in a post-apocalyptic Washington D.C. Four players form a tightly knit team; Aidan, Heather, Maya and Grant, where each character has their own skill tree, squad role, play style and background story. Now they all share a common objective where survival and teamwork is paramount. FIGHT TOGETHER IN 4 PLAYER CO-OP Team up with your friends and fight through everything the apocalypse throws at you. EXPERIENCE THE WALKING DEAD In a world where everything has changed. Walkers are a constant threat, but it’s the living that should scare you the most. THE CAPITAL HAS FALLEN Survive the streets of Washington DC, a city overrun with walkers. Put an extra thought in how to fight, one wrong move or too much noise will attract the horde. YOUR PLAYSTYLE MATTERS Each character comes with their specific abilities and skills. Help your team by holding the frontline, supporting them with med bags, or killing enemies. DEEP PROGRESSION SYSTEM Increase your characters’ powers by levelling up. Upgrade your camp’s defenses and take care of those that live there by any means necessary. MODIFY YOUR WEAPONS Be silent and tactical with a suppressor, or loud and proud by shortening the barrel of your shotgun. Modify to fit your playstyle. SCAVENGING AND CRAFTING Pick up scrap on the go to turn them into tools and use them in the next fight, or to open new paths through the world. SCALABLE DIFFICULTY The world changes and adapts automatically depending on your character’s level and the number of people playing with you. Release Date - November 6, 2018 Genre - First-Person Shooter, Survival Horror Platforms - Microsoft Windows Publisher - Starbreeze Publishing (previously licensed by Skybound Entertainment) Developer - Overkill Software My Xbox gamertag: TGG Yari My PlayStation gamertag: ToughGamingGuy My Steam: ToughGamingGuy Wanna see more of my fantastic walkthroughs? Give it a go: / toughgamingguy PC SPECS: NVIDIA RTX 4090 24GB Intel i9 13900KF (24x 3400MHz - Turbo 5800 MHz) processor GIGABYTE Z790 AORUS MASTER motherboard 64GB DDR5 M200 MHz RAM Corsair iCUE H150i ELITE cooler 1000Watt Corsair RM1000x PREMIUM power supply 20TB of hard drive space with 4TB of Turbo Speed Samsung Odyssey G70A - 4K IPS 144Hz Gaming Monitor - HDMI 2.1 - 28 Inch #thewalkingdead #overkillsoftware #otwd #zombiesurvival