How to build a North-West facing house/home | Bansal Vastu | Dr. Vipin Bansal +91 9896082828 #vastu

How to build a North-West facing house/home | Bansal Vastu | Dr. Vipin Bansal +91 9896082828 #vastu

How to build a new North-West facing house/home according to Vastu Shastra? #VastuTipsForHouseOrientation, #NorthWestVastuShastra, #EnergyFlowInHomes, #HomeDesignVastu, #VastuGuidelinesForOrientation, #FengShuiForHomes, #ProsperityInNorthWestFacingHomes, #VastuForHomeSuccess, #NorthWestFacingHouseLayout, #VastuSolutionsForHomeOrientation, #VastuFriendlyHomes, #VastuForHarmony, Complete Vastu Solution of North-west facing floor plan/ house/ home. Vastu Remedies for Main Entrance . Vastu Remedies for stairs. Vastu Remedies for kitchen . Vastu Remedies for bed room . Vastu Remedies for drawing room. Vastu Remedies for parking area . Vastu Remedies for living room. Vastu Remedies for bramhsthan . Main Entrance पर ये गलती कभी भी नहीं करनी चाहिए | North-East Main Gate के लिए वास्तु उपाय ? जो परिवार फ्लैट में रहता है और उनकी अपनी entrance दक्षिण-पश्चिम दिशा में South-West में बनी हुई है और entrance को बदलना संभव नहीं है |    • Toilet Effects and Remedies in North-...   उत्तर-पूर्व (ईशान) दिशा में शौचालय के दुषप्रभाव और उपचार    • Toilet effects in south-east directio...   घर की दक्षिण-पूर्व दिशा में शौचालय के दुषप्रभाव और उपचार #vastu #vastutips #vastuforhome #vastufortoilet Bansal Vastu Research And Coaching Centre By Dr. Vipin Bansal +91-9310492626 Email id: [email protected]