Grain Drill:  How They Work and How to Buy One

Grain Drill: How They Work and How to Buy One

How a grain drill works, and then a top to bottom review of the different features you need to consider, and what to look for when purchasing a used grain drill. The grain drill used in this video was used to experiment planting no-till into light sandy soils, and worked very well. Here are a few other videos for your consideration that go along with this one: Here is the payoff we all look for from our food plots, buck down!    • Mark's 2020 Bow Season Buck   Why you should consider no-till foodplotting:    • Why Convert to No-Till Food Plots?  H...   Preparing fields to test an old grain drill for no-till planting:    • Do You Need an Expensive No-Till Dril...   Testing results for using an old grain drill for no-till planting in light soils:    • Do You Need An Expensive No-Till Dril...   A review of the other options (drill, planter, no-till drill) for mechanically seeding no-till foodplots:    • No-Till Foodplotting:  Grain Drill, P...