Fifth Sunday in Lent Service - Holy Eucharist w/ piano & choir

Fifth Sunday in Lent Service - Holy Eucharist w/ piano & choir

This is a live-stream of our weekly 9 am service of Holy Eucharist with piano and Choir. We continue live-streaming with in-person attendance. See our web site for more information. Masks are no longer required for in-person attendance. The bulletin for the service is available here: (see link below for bulletin) See our web site (left-hand side) for full bulletin and service listings: --------------------------------- TECH NOTE: If you lose connection with this live-stream, please check our YouTube channel for a retry by clicking on this link:    / @stmarksepiscopalchurch   We will generally try to re-establish the stream but under a follow-up name. --------------------------------- Are you enjoying our service? Do you want to help us in our mission? Then you are invited to give to St. Mark's by clicking this link: COPYRIGHT PERMISSIONS: All music used is either in the Public Domain, copyright claims are acknowledged, or is done by permission via OneLicense copyright license: Annual License with Podcasting - OneLicense# A-707462 All YouTube copyright claims are hereby accepted as this video is noncommercial. Any income goes to the copyright holders. We are not responsible for any commercials chosen for this video. For more information, visit our web site at