9 Brutal Life Lessons I Wish I Knew in my 20s & 30s
This video is about how to stop wasting your life. So, today I'm sharing 9 brutal life lessons I wish I knew in my 20s and 30s. And, if you can spare just 8 minutes of your time today, I will save you a lot of wasted time and grief. Life has a way of teaching us lessons, whether we’re ready for them or not. Some lessons come easy, like a little nudge in the right direction. And others, well, they will hit you like a freight train. The truth is, no one hands you a manual on how to navigate life, especially its toughest moments. 1. Don’t pay attention to distractions—they will halt your progress and stunt your growth. We encounter distractions on a daily basis, and the truth is, most of them aren’t even obvious. They don’t come screaming at you like, “Hey, I’m here to ruin your life!” No, they come disguised as fun entertainment, a potential romantic interest, unnecessary drama, or even the illusion that you're being productive. If you want to move forward, you have to become ruthless with your time and energy. That means setting boundaries and learning to say no. 2. Your mind is your most powerful asset, and if you don’t stimulate it, you’re doing yourself a massive disservice. Reading expands your mind and your perspective, it sharpens your thinking, and makes you more knowledgeable. And, it also makes you a better conversationalist. 3. Partying and the Nightlife are Overrated. One day, you’ll wake up and wonder why you spent so much time in nightclubs, or bars, or at parties that led nowhere. Those late nights filled with empty, superficial conversations, bad decisions, and hangovers that lasted for days—become a vicious cycle that offers nothing in return. Instead of wasting precious years of your life numbing yourself with instant gratification and temporary highs, consider investing in or taking part in experiences that bring you joy and real fulfillment. 4. How you spend your free time determines where you’ll end up in life. Wasting hours scrolling on social media, watching mindless TV, or engaging in toxic gossip won’t get you anywhere. Instead, use your time wisely— like volunteer in your community, take a class, pick up a new hobby, learn to play an instrument, or learn a new language. 5. No one is coming to save you—not a partner, not a friend, not a mentor. You are responsible for your own life. If you’re stuck in a bad situation—like a toxic relationship, a dead-end job, or if you have unhealthy habits—you have to be the one to pull yourself up by the boot straps and pull yourself out of your situation. The sooner you accept that your life is in your hands, the sooner you can start changing it. 6. Stop living in the past—it’s over, and you can’t change it. I’ve seen so many people destroy themselves and ruin their lives by clinging to past regrets, heartbreaks, and failures. And, by blaming other people for their current life circumstances. The past only has power over you if you allow it. So, learn from it, grow from it, and move the hell on. 7. Not everyone who has entered your life has done so for the right reasons. Some people show up because they want something from you—like your time, your energy, your resources, or what you can do for them. Not every smile is genuine, and not every friendship or relationship is built on mutual respect. Evaluate your relationships carefully. 8. You could be the most kind-hearted, nicest, smartest, hardworking person in the world, and some people will still find a reason to not like you. Don’t waste an ounce of your time and energy trying to please people who are never going to like you. Instead, focus on pursuing your goals, chase your dreams, do what sets your soul on fire, and live the life YOU want. 9. It’s easy to get caught up in the illusion that success is measured by luxury cars, a big house, and designer handbags. But material things will never fill the void inside you. True happiness comes from your experiences, it comes from growing and evolving, having healthy relationships, and having a purposeful life. Take control of your life, make better choices, and don't settle for mediocrity. Because at the end of the day, you are the creator of your destiny and the author of your own story—so make it a damn good one. TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 - Life's Lessons 0:52 - Life Lesson Number 1 2:33 - Life Lesson Number 2 3:07 - Life Lesson Number 3 4:07 - Life Lesson Number 4 4:47 - Life Lesson Number 5 5:38 - Life Lesson Number 6 6:24 - Life Lesson Number 7 7:13 - Life Lesson Number 8 8:01 - Life Lesson Number 9 8:50 - Create Your Destiny 🎬Suggested videos: ▶️ • 28 Powerful Money Affirmations - Attr... ▶️ • How to REBRAND Your Life & Level up i... ▶️ • Video ▶️ • How to Build Unstoppable Confidence -... ▶️ • Stop People Pleasing! How to Set Boun... ▶️ • Investing for Beginners: How to Build... ▶️ • February Insights and PREDICTIONS | V... #lifelessons #levelupyourlife #personalgrowth