Elevate Your Life With These 3 PROVEN Keys To Success
The SHOCKING Truth About Academic Education Exposed :- • The SHOCKING Truth About Academic Edu... Share your thoughts in the comments. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About Somdutta Sarkar : TEDx | Author | Results Strategist and Coach Founder of Intensify Life Movement and Podcast | Co-founder of Redefiine Destiny Being a corporate professional around a decade, going through financial and personal crisis leading to the rock bottom phases in my life to becoming a TEDx speaker, Author and Coach & Mentor to thousands of people from across the globe, I have devised the framework that helps in unblocking the blockages and knots in your personal and professional life. With the proven strategies and techniques that helped me come out of huge debt, betrayal and losses, I help and enable people to move from regrets to results. www.somduttasarkar.com www.redefiinedestiny.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Services : Personal and customized coaching and consulting for solutions regarding your Business and Relationships through vedic science and modern techniques Key note speaking engagements Clarity consultation session (Root cause analysis and solution) Get featured on Intensify Life Podcast (drop an email to [email protected]) Book your consultation call today - https://tinyurl.com/consult-with-som Check all profiles - https://links.intensifylife.in/intens... Grab your copy of my book '7 Steps from Shame to Being Back in the Game' today! - https://tinyurl.com/book-by-som-7ssbg For any query drop an email - [email protected] 00:00 - Introduction: Defining Success 00:35 - Chapter 1: Avoid Making Decisions in Emotional States Never make decisions when extremely happy or sad. Practice pausing, counting, or chanting before reacting. Make decisions from a neutral perspective. 03:37 - Chapter 2: Identify Your Key Habit Find one habit that keeps your day structured. Example: Waking up at 4:00 AM sets the tone for the day. Small, consistent habits lead to greater success. 06:18 - Chapter 3: Write Down Your Decisions Avoid making decisions in your head. Writing down thoughts brings clarity. Helps prevent unnecessary overthinking. 07:15 - Conclusion: Implementing Small Changes for Big Impact Simple habits can create major shifts in success. Practice and observe the difference in your life. #intensifylife #somduttasarkar #7stepsfromshametobeingbackinthegame #7ssbg #Shorts #business #psychology #humanpsychology #success #growth #clarity #problemsolving #coaching #mentoring