Seventh Sunday of Easter at St. Alban's Catholic Church – May 16, 2021

Seventh Sunday of Easter at St. Alban's Catholic Church – May 16, 2021

Welcome to the 11 AM Divine Worship Mass for the Seventh Sunday of Easter, on May 16, 2021, at St. Alban's Catholic Church, a parish community of the Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter in Rochester, N.Y. The Ordinariate is a Catholic diocese with Anglican traditions founded by the pope. Our parish priest is Fr. Nathan Davis. You can follow along with the pew missal here: And with the worship aid here: We invite you to please support St. Alban's mission and ministry during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic through online giving at and stay connected with us by subscribing to our YouTube channel, Facebook page, and our Flocknotes -- sign up at Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE, License #A-736163. All rights reserved.