Is Push Pull Legs Overrated?

Is Push Pull Legs Overrated?

Is push pull legs really dead? The original way, yes. But what if you modify it? FREE HOODIE SALE: Join my membership for 405 bench series!    / @alexleonidas   ---------------------------------------- MY NEW LEONIDAS BAR ---------------------------------------- US My Gym Equipment: CA ---------------------------------------- MacroFactor App 14 Day Trial Code "Leonidas" ---------------------------------------- TikTok:   / alexleonidasofficial   ---------------------------------------- Instagram:   / alexleonidasofficial   ---------------------------------------- Neck Flex: ---------------------------------------- Naturally Enhanced 5% Off "ADF" ---------------------------------------- My Free Novice Program! ---------------------------------------- Want to consult me for email exchanges, consultations, online coaching, or for custom programs? 0:00 Introduction 0:57 The BEST version 2:43 Classic PPL problems 5:45 Problems solved 8:22 Barbell Apparel 8:47 More versions 10:18 Arm specialization 11:48 Basic structure 1:13:29 Conclusion Disclaimer: Alex Leonidas is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before starting any exercise program. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Alex Leonidas will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of information contained in this video including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness or passing. #ppl #pushpulllegs #pushpull