🔴The Worst Narcissistic Injury You Inflicted on the Narcissist: They Fear to Hoover You! #NPD

🔴The Worst Narcissistic Injury You Inflicted on the Narcissist: They Fear to Hoover You! #NPD

Please Subscribe ‪@NarcPedia‬ for various topics related to narcissism and narcissists. Let's study and grow together! Thank You! Hello everyone, and welcome back to our channel. Thank you for joining us for another video. If you enjoy our content, please consider liking and subscribing. Your support helps our channel grow and reach more people who may benefit from our discussions. Today, we are diving into a very important topic: narcissistic injuries. These injuries are significant because they relate directly to how a narcissist perceives their supply. It is essential to understand that a narcissist evaluates their ability to recover from a situation based on the type of injury inflicted upon them. This means that the severity of the injury can directly impact their behavior and emotional state. In this video, we will focus on what is considered the worst narcissistic injury you can inflict on a narcissist. This specific injury has the potential to destabilize them profoundly. Understanding this concept is crucial for anyone who has dealt with a narcissist, as it can clarify why they may react in certain ways. You may be wondering why a narcissist has not reached out to you after a conflict or separation. You might think, "Why haven't I heard from them? Is this a good thing?" Some individuals find themselves asking questions like, "Where did they go? Did they just disappear? What happened to them?" These questions are common among those who have been involved with a narcissist, and it’s essential to explore these feelings. You can injure the ego of a narcissist through your words and actions. Narcissists primarily operate from a place of ego, which represents a false self that has taken over their true identity. This ego prevents them from being vulnerable and intimate with others. It is crucial to recognize that intimacy involves sharing vulnerabilities, and narcissists are unable to do this. No matter how close you may think you were with a narcissist, true intimacy is absent because they do not allow themselves to be vulnerable. This inability to be vulnerable is a significant aspect of their personality. The ego controls their interactions and dictates how they treat others. When a narcissist feels threatened or injured, their ego reacts defensively, often leading to withdrawal or aggressive behavior. This dark entity, which we can refer to as the ego, deeply influences their thoughts and actions. Narcissists often exhibit behaviors that are deeply ingrained due to toxic habits that have become second nature to them. These habits can be so entrenched in their psyche that they may not even recognize when they are engaging in them. The destructive nature of these behaviors is often hidden from their awareness because the dark entity, which we refer to as the ego, has integrated these habits into their identity. This ego convinces the narcissist that such behaviors are normal and acceptable. It is astonishing to realize that, for them, treating others poorly or engaging in abusive behaviors feels entirely natural. "Disclaimer: The information provided in this video is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you suspect you or someone you know may be involved with a narcissist, or are dealing with any psychological issues, please consult a qualified healthcare professional. This content is shared to offer insights and perspectives and should not be considered as professional or medical counsel." #Narcissist #Narcissism #NarcissisticAbuse #ToxicRelationships #MentalHealth #NPD #Psychology #NarcissisticPersonalityDisorder