How to Make Japanese Egg Salad Sandwich | Tamago Sando (たまごサンド)
Tamago Sando (たまごサンド) is Japanese Style Egg Salad Sandwich. It is very popular snack that's widely available at convenient stores in Japan. Compared to American style egg salad sandwich, the filling is extra creamy and bursting with a rich egg yolk flavor. This is because it uses Japanese Mayonnaise, which is different from American mayonnaise because it's made with egg yolks, not whole eggs, and with rice or apple vinegar. Kewpie brand Mayo is the most recognized brand. Chef and Momofuku founder David Chang once said it was "the best mayonnaise in the world, because it contains MSG". They are available at most Asian supermarkets in Canada and also in J-Town in Toronto. How to Perfect Hard-Boiled Eggs and How to Easily Peel Eggs: Place eggs in a pot and bring to a medium boil. Boil under medium heat for 11 minutes. Then soak eggs in cold tap water (no need to use ice water). When the eggs are cool enough to handle, You may crack all sides the eggs as soon as they are cool enough to handle. Allow the eggs to sit for a few minutes. During this time the water will seep through the cracks and hydrate the membrane. This makes the shells easy to remove. Adding milk helps make the egg mixture extra creamy. If you don't have milk, you can substitute with plant based milk (almond milk, soy milk, etc.) Traditionally Tamago Sando uses shokupan which is Japanese milk bread. However, I find using mini brioche bread compliments the egg salad well! If you don't have brioche bread or shokupan, use normal white bread. Some people including famous chefs claim Tamago Sando are better than American style egg sandwich. I think they are just different. What do you think? Ingredients 3 Large Eggs 2 Mini Brioche Buns or 4 Slices Shokupan (Japanese Pullman Loaf Bread) Salted Butter Seasonings: ¼ tsp Sugar ¼ tsp Salt ½ tsp Onion and Garlic powder 2 tsp Milk 2 tbsp Japanese Mayonnaise Timestamps: 0:00 - How to make Japanese Egg Salad Sandwich 0:11 - How to Boil Eggs Perfectly 0:20 - How to Peel Boiled Eggs Easily 1:45 - Difference between Japanese Mayo and Regular Mayo 2:12 - Japanese Egg Salad Sandwich Ingredients For other Japanese recipes: Japanese Clear Onion Soup - • Japanese Clear Onion Soup Recipe - Si... Okonomiyaki - • How to Make Okonomiyaki at Home | Sau... Oyakodon Chicken and Egg Rice Bowl Without Mirin/Dashi (親子丼) - • Oyakodon Recipe Without Mirin or Dash... Easy Japanese Corn Soup - • Easy Japanese Corn Soup Recipe (コーンスー... Subscribe for more meal, appetizer, snack and dessert ideas: / @simplynoms Appetizer, Side Dish and Snack Recipes - • Chinese Steamed Buns Without Yeast (蒸饅頭) Dessert Recipes - • Moist Cinnamon Crumble Banana Bread Main Course Recipes - • Easy Oven Baked Crispy Chicken | Heal... Twitter - https://twitter.com/SimplyNoms?s=09 #tamagosando #japaneseeggsaladsandwich #easyrecipes how to peel boiled eggs easily Japanese egg salad sandwich recipe 7 eleven how to make japanese egg salad sandwich Japanese egg sandwich with brioche tamago sandwich recipe best japanese egg sandwich how to peel eggs easily how to boil egg perfectly tamago sando recipe how to boil egg in different ways Japanese egg salad sandwich 7 eleven egg salad sandwich egg salad sandwich Japanese style how to peel cooked eggs easily how to peel boiled eggs easily youtube