The Letter Sound Challenge | Letter Runs | Jack Hartmann and Katie Garner

The Letter Sound Challenge | Letter Runs | Jack Hartmann and Katie Garner

The Letter Sound Challenge is a challenge to say the letter sounds ,or phonemes, independently in isolation from saying the letter name. This Letter Sound Challenge increases speed each of the three times Jack Hartmann says the sounds. Sing along with Jack in this phonics song. The Secret Stories® Letter Run Song Challenge How well do you know the sounds of the letters in the alphabet? Build you reading power by singing them fast with the Secret Stories® "Letter Run” Challenge, featuring Jack Hartmann and Katie Garner (author of Secret Stories® Cracking the Reading/Phonics Code with the Brain in Mind!). For more Secrets to help your child learn to read, join the new Secret Stories® Facebook Group at or visit​. You can also download the iOS app SECRET STORIES® LETTER RUN The Secret Stories® Letter Runs are the perfect way to help kids build speed and stamina for reading and writing. By skipping the letter names and focusing only on their sounds, the Letter Runs mimic the decoding process that occurs when reading words—which is to "see the letter and make the sound” as quickly as possible. The rapid pace also helps to increase automaticity of sound-symbol relationships, crucial to both reading and writing. But knowing the individual letter sounds is just HALF the battle. The other half is knowing the sounds letters make when they get together and DON'T do what they should! These are the “secret” sounds of the phonics code, known as Secret Stories®. Secret Stories® are easy to remember, brain-based phonics stories that explain the sounds letters make when they get together, with pictures to help kids remember for reading and writing. When kids know the individual letter sounds AND their "secret” phonics sounds, they can read and write ANYTHING! Learn more at and subscribe to the Secret Stories® YouTube Channel for more phonics fun! The Letter Sound Challenge Lyrics Hi everyone, I'm Jack Hartmann I'd like you to meet a dedicated educator and friend of mine, Katie Garner Hi everyone, I'm Katie Garner and you may remember me from the better alphabet song I did with Jack I'm the author of Secret Stories® cracking the reading code and I'm excited because today Jack is going to sing the Secret Stories® Letter Run Challenge He is going to see how fast you can sing the letter sounds without the letter names and we're gonna go faster and faster and faster At the end of this video I'm going to explain why this is so important to becoming a good reader and a good writer And I'm also gonna share some secrets that will help too So stay tuned Look, listen and say out loud one by one the letter sounds Do your best and sing out strong Get ready for the Letter Sound Challenge Song Let's do the letter runs /a/ /b/ /c/ /d/ /e/ /f/ /g/ /h/ /i/ /j/ /k/ /l/ /m/ /n/ /o/ /p/ /q/ /r/ /s/ /t/ /u/ /v/ /w/ /x/ /y/ /z/ Now I never will forget These are the sounds of the alphabet Get ready, let's go faster /a/ /b/ /c/ /d/ /e/ /f/ /g/ /h/ /i/ /j/ /k/ /l/ /m/ /n/ /o/ /p/ /q/ /r/ /s/ /t/ /u/ /v/ /w/ /x/ /y/ /z/ Now I never will forget These are the sounds of the alphabet Now even faster /a/ /b/ /c/ /d/ /e/ /f/ /g/ /h/ /i/ /j/ /k/ /l/ /m/ /n/ /o/ /p/ /q/ /r/ /s/ /t/ /u/ /v/ /w/ /x/ /y/ /z/ Now I never will forget These are the sounds of the alphabet Now super-duper fast /a/ /b/ /c/ /d/ /e/ /f/ /g/ /h/ /i/ /j/ /k/ /l/ /m/ /n/ /o/ /p/ /q/ /r/ /s/ /t/ /u/ /v/ /w/ /x/ /y/ /z/ Now I never will forget, these are the sounds of the alphabet Woah, did you do it? We had fun and you should be proud You said 26 letter sounds You did your best and said them strong You did the Letter Sound Challenge Song So how did it go? Were you able to keep up with Jack? It's pretty tricky isn't it? And believe it or not we can make it even harder All we have to do is switch it up We can change the vowels out, so that they're long instead of short So it's /ā/ /b/ /c/ /d/ /ē/ /f/ /g/ instead of /ă/ /b/ /c/ /d/ /ĕ/ /f/ /g/ We can change the tune, we can even sing it backwards And all of the ways we play with it, deepen our ownership of the sound/ symbol relationships that we need to read and write and built that automaticity Help support us on Patreon!   / jackhartmann   Jack Hartmann's website: Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: Remember to connect with Jack Hartmann on his Social Networks: Facebook:   / hop2itmusic   Pinterest:   / jackhartmann   Twitter:   / jack_hartmann   You can find Jack Hartmann's Music on: Jack Hartmann Website: iTunes: Amazon: Google Play: CD Baby: Words and Music by Jack Hartmann Copyright 2021 Jack Hartmann's Hop 2 It Music