How to Make Mashed Potato Labradoodles - DOG LICKS RECIPE
Do You Love Labradoodles? Try Our New Dog-friendly Dog Licks Recipe. Inspired by our beautiful friend Bocker Labradoodle, we wanted to see if we could create a gorgeous Doodle face to make us smile and remember all the good things one very lucky doodle did. All our DOG LICKS recipes are DIY, dog-friendly and look like dogs. Enjoy our vegan sweet potato pups, perfect for doggy birthday parties or kids parties and snacks. What other dog inspired treat would you like to see? Tell us in the comments. Subscribe for more dog-friendly recipes from our DOG LICKS Series - we'll be releasing one per week. Plus heartwarming and entertaining stories about talented dogs, especially rescues. Visit www.talenthounds.ca for the full recipes and more. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram (@mytalenthounds and @kilothepug) ~-~~-~~~-~~-~ Please watch: "Meet the Amazing King of Pop Culture- Doug the Pug!" • Exclusive Interview With Doug the Pug... ~-~~-~~~-~~-~