How Tarahumara People Run 100 Miles Without Getting Tired

How Tarahumara People Run 100 Miles Without Getting Tired

The best ultramarathon runners in the world aren’t professional athletes. They are tribesmen from the Sierra Madre Mountains in Northern Mexico called the Tarahumara or the Rarámuri people. For generations, running has been their way of life and their only way to travel. They do this without fancy shoes, training plans, or coaches, and they can cover up to 100 miles a day with ease! They just run—free and natural. And for energy? No sports drinks, no protein bars. So, if their secret isn’t special protein bars or professional coaching, what then is it? In this video, we’ll find out how the Tarahumara run over 100 miles without breaking a sweat. There is even a rumor of a special food they eat, stick around to find out.