I was WRONG about Breathing! Side Rib/Intercostal Breath
Hi singers! I want to share with you what I’ve been learning about singing breath - belly breath is not the whole story! I would LOVE for you to become part of the Weekly Warm-Up community. Sign up at the link below to receive a free weekly newsletter filled with tips, exercises, information, and encouragement: NEWSLETTER: https://theweeklywarmup.ck.page/be7d0... If you like would like some inspiration for combining voice exercises into a full warm-up routine, check out the Warm-Up Manual. It’s filled with 11 customized routines for every singer and situation, from loosening up tension to grounding the support, to creating easy vibrato. https://theweeklywarmup.ck.page/produ... And thanks for practicing! #SingingBreath #Breathwork #BreathExercises #TheWeeklyWarmUp #SingingWarmUps #VocalExercises #VoiceExercisesforSingers #VoiceExercises #classicalmusic #voicecoach