30 October 2022 | Holy Communion | St. Andrew’s Parish Church of Scotland, Annan
Recording from Holy Communion live stream. 00:00:00 Intimations 00:03:14 Intro Countdown 00:05:15 Praise: Crown Him with many crowns 00:08:19 Welcome and Intimations 00:11:05 Opening prayer 00:14:08 Praise: How deep the Father love for us 00:17:40 Reading: Luke 19: 1-10 00:19:42 Sermon: A journey to find the lost 00:36:44 Praise: I will sing the wondrous story 00:39:48 Holy Communion 01:02:56 Praise: Yet not I but through Christ in me 01:07:47 Blessing St. Andrew’s Parish Church of Scotland, Annan (also known as Annan: St. Andrew’s) Scottish Charity no. SC010891 Permission to stream the music in this service obtained from CCLI Licence 187908 | Streaming Plus Licence 134437 | All rights reserved.