201104 바삭바삭 ✌2분레시피! 밥새우볶음🦐 / stir-fried Bap-prawn🦐

201104 바삭바삭 ✌2분레시피! 밥새우볶음🦐 / stir-fried Bap-prawn🦐

안녕하세요- 홍사미에요^^ 오늘은 🍚밥새우볶음🦐! 재료 밥새우_150g, 식용유, 통깨 양념 간장_4스푼, 맛술_3스푼, 미림_2스푼, 매실액_2스푼, 설탕_2스푼, 올리고당_1스푼, 다진마늘_작은 1스푼, 참기름 레시피 1 중불에서 식용유를 두르고 다진마늘_작은 1스푼을 넣어 30초간 볶아준다 2 밥새우_150g을 넣어 팬에 넓게 펼쳐주고 식용유를 한 바퀴 다시 둘러준다 3 섞어주다가 약불로 줄여준다 4 간장_4스푼을 넣고 20초 정도 볶아주다가 올리고당_1스푼, 미림_2스푼, 맛술_3스푼, 매실_2스푼을 넣고 1분간 중불에서 볶아준다 5 불을 완전히 꺼주고 설탕_2스푼, 통깨, 참기름을 둘러준 다음 잘 섞어준다 6 달큰 짭쪼름 바그작바그작 밥새우볶음을 뜨끈한 밥과 함께 맛있게 먹는다🤗!! Hi! It's me, Hongsami! :D The menu of today is 'stir-fried 🍚Bap-prawn🦐'! Ingredients dried tiny prawns 150g, cooking oil, sesame seeds Seasoning (1T= a table spoon, 1t = a teaspoon) soy sauce 4T, cooking wine 5T, plum extract 2T, sugar 2T, oligosaccharide 1T, minced garlics 1t, sesame oil Recipe 1 Put some cooking oil on a pan and turn on the medium heat Add 1t of minced garlics and stir-fry for 30 seconds 2 Add 150g of tiny dried prawns and add some cooking oil again 3 Mix them well and reduce the heat 4 Add 4T of soy sauce and sir-fry for 20 seconds And add 1T of oligosaccharide, 5T of dooking wine and 2T of plum extract And stir-fry for a minute over medium heat 5 Turn off the gas and add 2T of sugar, sesame seeds and sesame oil And mix them well 5 Yeah! It's done!! Enjoy this crunchy sweet savory prawns with rice🤗!! 이메일 : goodmi family@gmail com #밥새우볶음#밥새우#밥새우는_밥과_함께 [BGM] Song : 샛별 - Flying Umbrella /