What if Hulk worked for us? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #whatif

What if Hulk worked for us? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #whatif

If Hulk worked for us: Hulk is known to take long long jumps, even we may be able to enjoy the ride. Just like the Hulk even we may start sporting a green colored look. Hulk is extremely muscular, even we may have to start working out in the gym. Hulk is known to smash everything in anger, even our homes may be left in tatters. Hulk may demand an extremely high salary, we may be left with no cash. Some people may even start scolding Hulk, that may not end well. With Hulk's help we might be able to break many world records. Thieves would never dare to come near us anymore. Other superheroes may not like this, they may tie-up Hulk. Hulk may get us our food orders in an instant. Timecodes 0:00 - What if Hulk worked for us? 1:34 - Why do we have 5 fingers? 2:41 - Why do we have different Eye colors? 3:52 - Do Smartphones make our Eyes Worse? 5:02 - Why are there 7 Days in a Week? 6:08 - Why are we Afraid of the Dark? 7:13 - Is Fasting good or bad? 8:21 - What if the Sun Disappeared? 9:30 - Are Fruit Juices Unhealthy? Buy AumSum Merchandise: https://www.aumsum.com