Bioshock 2 Remastered - PART 4 - Down With Simon Wales
Bioshock 2 Remastered - PART 4 - Down With Simon Wales No Commentary. Welcome to Siren Alley where you get those more direct cult vibes in the form of Simon Wales who took out our train and sent us down to the ocean floor. We've got to get to pumping station #5 but to do that, we need to go through Simon Wales himself who is horribly spliced up and has also taken part in the 'family' as a religious father figure. Going through Siren Alley proves to be pretty rough but a main objective of mine is to save all the little sisters in the game so I'm actually intentionally making it harder for myself. Nevertheless, I'm happy to save all the little sisters and we put Simon in his place as we make way to Eleanor. #Bioshock2Remastered #SimonWales #SirenAlley