Casino Vault Door Glitch After Security Update (GTA Online Patch 1.66)

Casino Vault Door Glitch After Security Update (GTA Online Patch 1.66)

Hey everyone and welcome back to GTA Online Casino Heist Vault Door Glitch In this video I'm gonna do the casino heist vault door glitch on patch 1.66 (After Security Update) Vault Door Glitch other Approaches: Bugstars (Artwork):    • Artwork Full Take with No Timer! - Ca...   Maintenance Gear (Cash):    • Cash Full Take with No Timer! - Casin...   Yung Ancestor (Gold):    • Gold Full Take with No Timer! - Casin...   Gruppe Sechs (Artwork):    • Artwork Full Take with No Timer! - Ca...   Silent and Sneaky (Gold):    • Gold with No Timer on Silent and Snea...   Bugstars (Diamonds):    • Diamonds Full Take with No Timer! - C...   Yung Ancestor (Diamonds):    • GTA 5 Casino heist Vault Door Glitch ...   Vault Door Glitch with Keyboard on screen (Showing Buttons):    • Vault Door Glitch with Keyboard on Sc...   Maintenance Gear (Diamonds):    • Diamonds Full Take with No Timer! - G...   Silent and Sneaky (Diamonds):    • The last Diamond - GTA Online Casino ...   Thanks For Watching... please like the video if you enjoyed of it and also subscribe to my channel, it's free and you won't regret it. and I'm always waiting for your comments feel free to tell me on comments if you have any ideas I'll listen to them with my heard. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: Music Outro: TheFatRat - Xenogenesis Join herogamer studio channel social club crew: Get a free fast browser from hero gamer studio channel for mining Bitcoin: My Steam Account (heroafshin): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #CasinoVaultDoorGlitch #GTAOnlineVaultDoorGlitch #DoorGlitchDiamonds