And remember, if you’re serious about mastering relationships, my Podium community is open. A lot of men have asked for this, and now it’s here. The first 20 to join get a special discount Here's the link👇 https://stoicapproachtolife.podia.com... PROMO CODE - STOICK11 REMEMBER DISCOUNT FOR FIRST 20 PEOPLE Most men get this completely wrong. They think the way to win a woman over is to prove how much they care, how available they are, and how deeply they feel for her. But in reality, that’s exactly what pushes women away. The men who act like they don’t care? They’re the ones who get chased. It’s not because women love being mistreated. It’s because a man who doesn’t care is a man who is focused on himself first. He’s not emotionally desperate. He’s not seeking validation. He’s not rearranging his life to impress a woman. And that level of self-sufficiency is attractive. Women crave the mystery, the challenge, and the sense of strength that comes with a man who doesn’t revolve around them. On the other hand, the guy who is always available, always texting first, always trying to prove his worth? He gets ignored. Because his actions scream “I need you”, and neediness is a turnoff. Look at the men women respect the most. They’re not the ones chasing. They’re the ones who let women come to them. They set the pace. They control their emotions. They don’t over-explain themselves or beg for attention. That’s masculine energy. This video is going to break down exactly why not caring works. You’ll learn the seven key reasons why men who don’t care get more respect, more attraction, and more control in their relationships. If you want to change the way women respond to you, pay close attention to each section. Let’s get into it. I’ve created a community on Podium where I break down everything you need to know—step by step. You’ll get no-nonsense, practical advice that will boost your confidence and help you build stronger, more meaningful connections. And the best part? The first 20 people who join will get an exclusive discount. So don’t hesitate—click the link in the description to grab your spot. If you know someone who could use this, share it with them! 00:00 INTRO 02:08 women chase what they can't have 04:10 women respect men who put themselves first 06:37 women test men to see if they're weak 09:41 women are drawn to men they can't control 12:42 women respect men who can walk away 15:47 women chase men who are hard to get 18:40 women stay loyal to men they can't control 21:42 CONCLUSION #DatingTips #RelationshipAdvice #Psychology #HiddenSigns #SheLikesYou #stoicism #stoic #stoicphilosophy