How to control weight in Pregnancy | Hamal main kitna wazan barhaain |Urdu/Hindi|Health&MedicalCare
/ @dranii95 How to control weight in Pregnancy (Hamal main kitna wazan barhaain ) has been explained well in Urdu/Hindi by Health & Medical Care🌐 #pregnancy #pregnancyweight #weight #wazan #baby #babygirl #babyboy #weightgain Weight gain during pregnancy is normal. As your baby grows, you will gradually gain weight during pregnancy (hamal men kitna wazan barhayen).The average pregnant woman needs only about 300 healthy calories more a day than they did before they were pregnant. In this video, we will discuss the best way to manage weight gain during pregnancy. To calculate how much you should gain, first work out your pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI). Weight gain will be monitored throughout the pregnancy. Gaining too much or too little weight can lead to various issues during pregnancy. There are some key things that a woman can follow to manage her weight gain during pregnancy (hamal men kitna wazan barhayen) avoiding fatty and sugary foods and drinks. getting some regular moderate exercise. eating a healthy, nutritious diet that includes fresh fruit and vegetables, wholegrain bread and cereals, legumes, lean meat, fish, and low-fat dairy products. Queries replied: Hamal main wazan kaisy control krain Hamaz main kitna wazan barhaain Urdu/Hindi Weight Gain During Pregnancy Pregnancy Weight gain How to avoid unhealthy weight gain during pregnancy. How to control obesity during pregnancy. BMI and pregnancy weight gain pregnancy and weight gain, weight gain and pregnancy weight gain during pregnancy Urdu/ Hindi How much weight should i gain in pregnancy, How much weight should you gain in pregnancy How much weight gain is normal during Healthy weight gain in pregnancy Urdu/Hindi ldeal weight gain during pregnancy How to maintain healthy weight in pregnancy, Weight Gain in Pregnancy in Urdu/Hindi Healthy Weight Gain During Pregnancy Urdu/Hindi How much should i weigh in my third trimester weight gain in first trimester weight gain in 3rd trimester why it is necessary to gain weight during pregnancy what causes weight gain during pregnancy caloric requirement during pregnancy Urdu/Hindi Pregnant women wazan kaisay control krain pregnancy main wazan control Urdu Hindi pregnancy main kitna wazan hona chahiyay Urdu/Hindi caloric requirement in first trimester caloric requirement in second trimester caloric requirement in third trimester balanced diet for pregnant women good exercises for pregnant women healthy diet for pregnant women healthy exercises for pregnant women, healthy food for pregnant women Exercise in pregnancy how to not gain weight when pregnant healthy pregnancy weight gain how to lose weight during pregnancy Pregnancy main wazan kaisay barhaain Urdu/Hindi Hamal main wazan kaisay barhaain/Urdu Hindi pregnancy weight gain progression how to not gain weight during pregnancy, how to not gain too much weight during pregnancy, how to control weight during pregnancy Urdu/Hindi how to stay fit during pregnancy how to not gain too much weight during pregnancy, how to control weight during pregnancy, how to stay fit during pregnancy, how much weight to gain during pregnancy, pregnancy diet pregnancy weight loss, pregnancy weight gain pregnancy and weight gain pregnancy weight gain weight gain and pregnancy weight gain during pregnancy Urdu/ Hindi How much weight should i gain in pregnancy, How much weight gain is normal during pregnancy, Healthy weight gain in pregnancy ldeal weight gain during pregnancy How to maintain healthy weight in pregnancy BMI and pregnancy weight gain Thanks for watching this video.Please like & share.Subscribe this channel for more videos Stay healthy, stay happy. 📍📍📍📍📍📍📍📍📍 Disclaimer: This information is intended for educational and informational purposes only. It should not be used in place of an individual consultation, examination or the medical advice of your doctor.If you have or suspect you may have a health problem please consult your healthcare provider