S20 : Caprice of DJ Otada (카프리스 오브 디제이 오타다) REMIX 【PUMP IT UP XX】 펌프잇업

S20 : Caprice of DJ Otada (카프리스 오브 디제이 오타다) REMIX 【PUMP IT UP XX】 펌프잇업

■ I'm uploading videos mainly with double patterns. I will also upload a single pattern when I have time. If there is an error or level correction in the video, please let me know and I will play again and upload the video as soon as possible. 【PIU Full Song】    • Full Song 【PUMP IT UP】 펌프잇업   【PIU Remix】    • REMIX 【PUMP IT UP】 펌프잇업   【PIU Short Cut】    • Short Cut 【PUMP IT UP】 펌프잇업   【PIU CO-OP】    • CO-OP 【PUMP IT UP】 펌프잇업   【PIU Mission Zone】    • Mission Zone 【PUMP IT UP】 펌프잇업   【PIU Music Train】    • Music Train 【PUMP IT UP】 펌프잇업   【PIU S26】    • S26 【PUMP IT UP】 펌프잇업   【PIU D28】    • D28 【PUMP IT UP】 펌프잇업   #pumpitup #펌프잇업 #piu