December 24, 2023 Christmas Eve 5:00PM Contemporary Candlelight Worship Service
Sermon Series: We're Expecting! Sermon: "The Christmas Diner" Luke 2:1-7 Ken Skodiak and Andrew Ross Digital Bulletin: https://npctucson.org/mt-content/uplo... Digital Connect Card: https://npctucson.org/worship/digital... Give Online: https://onrealm.org/npctucson/-/give/now Sunday Worship Services: 8:00AM Contemporary Worship Service - Worship led by our Praise Team, with a children’s message 9:45AM Traditional Worship Service - Inspired worship with hymns and pipe organ 11:30AM ARISE Worship Service - American and African expressions of multilingual worship Learn more about Northminster – visit https://npctucson.org. Need prayer, support or just someone to talk to? Call or text our Pastoral Care Line at (520) 261-9370. Worship online, live, Sundays, 8:00, 9:45 and 11:30am at: https://npctucson.online.church/ / npctucson / npctucson Or anytime 24/7 at https://npctucson.org/ondemand/. Follow us on social media (@npctucson): / npctucson / npctucson / npctucson