10:15 AM Worship Service at Central UMC 7/21/2024

10:15 AM Worship Service at Central UMC 7/21/2024

July 21, 2024 The Ninth Sunday After Pentecost All are welcome into the faith community of Central United Methodist Church as we worship God, share the good news of Jesus Christ, prepare for ministry, and serve our community and world. Today's Bulletin: Welcome and Announcements Passing of the Peace: "The Lord be with you. And also with you!" Prelude: "How Firm a Foundation" arr. David Lowe Preparing our Hearts for Worship Call to Worship no. 334: "Sweet, Sweet Spirit" Opening Hymn no. 540: "I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord" Prayers of the People and the Lord's Prayer no. 895 A Time For All God's Children Offering Anthem: "Love Like This" arr. Lauren Daigle | Randy Hopkins, Soloist Doxology no. 94 & Prayer of Thanksgiving Epistle Lesson: Ephesians 2 : 11-19 Sermon: Crowded Table Meditative Silence Sending Forth Closing Hymn no. 143: "On Eagle's Wings" Postlude: "God is Love, His Mercy Brightens" arr. James Pethel Pastor: Rev. Tom Latimer Associate Pastor: Rev. Savannah Glover Director of Music Ministries/Organist: Susan Renz Choir Director: Donna Hill Give to Central: https://onrealm.org/concordcentral/-/... Connect With Central UMC: Website: https://concordcentral.org/ Facebook:   / centralumcconcord   Instagram:   / centralumcconcord   10:15am Worship Service at Central UMC 7/21/2024