How to pronounce achtlos in German - Perfectly

How to pronounce achtlos in German - Perfectly

This video shows you how to pronounce achtlos in German , pronounce and pronunciation how-to guide. Watch and learn how to say this word rightly with my channel, how to pronounce achtlos free pronunciation videos. What does this achtlos mean ? Words’ meaning, dictionary description, information, explanation. careless, heedless, carelessly, heedlessly, thoughtlessly, haphazardly, forgetfully 1 .EN Tertullian was learned, but careless(achtlos) in his historical statements. 1 .DE Tertullian war gelernt, aber achtlos(careless) in seiner historischen Aussagen. 2 .EN How could you be so careless(achtlos), pia 2 .DE Wie kannst du so achtlos(careless) sein? 3 .EN 371 Practice jhana, monk, and don't be heedless(achtlos). 3 .DE 371 Praktiziere Jhana, Mönch, und sei nicht achtlos(heedless). How to pronounce achtlos in German - Perfectly This channel helps you how to say words in German, Spanish, French. Some words can be very difficult to pronounce. There are , online tools, dictionary websites to help you as well, but this channel is you go-to directory to ameliorate your diction, oratory, diction, and accentuation. 00:00 - Normal achtlos Pronounce 00:10 - How to pronounce achtlos ? If you found this video and channel helps you please like the video to support my channel. ❤ If you would like to help to my channel ,be sure to subscribe. ❤ Thanks for watching my channel ! ❤