Welcome to NRMBC!!  (Sermon from 3/16/2025) Click the DOWN ARROW for more information!

Welcome to NRMBC!! (Sermon from 3/16/2025) Click the DOWN ARROW for more information!

Date: 3/16/2025 Thank you for joining our Worship Experience! Sermon: "Because of My Name" - Pastor Edward C. Turner, M.Div. New Revelation M.B. Church 3140 W. 21st Avenue Gary, IN 46404 (219) 949-2225 Pastor/Teacher: Rev. Edward C. Turner, M.Div. Give a Donation - https://www.givelify.com/givenow/1.0/... Visit us! In-Person: 3140 W. 21st Avenue Gary, IN 46404 Facebook -   / newrevelation.mbchurch   Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/p/B_DTC_6gQ... Church Website - https://newrmbc.org